I guess you've lost track a little
in the past few years.
Forty percent of restaurant employees
are unemployed.
Nobody can afford to dine out,
excluding hot dog kiosks -
and they're not doing well, either.
I started as dishwasher, then
kitchen maid, then waiter until -
I got to be a head waiter.
I could still be a waiter, anything.
I understand, but I can't help you,
I've got a full staff here and -
to be honest, you're too old
for a waiter.
I'm thirty-eight.
That's it. You can drop dead anytime.
You're over fifty yourself.
That's different. I've got contacts.
And you smoke, too.
Have you any life insurance?
You want to wrestle arms?
No. Go to the Employment Agency.
I'll check, but chances are poor.
The "Dubrovnik" is no reference.
It was the best restaurant in town.
After the war, yes.