What are you doing here?
We are a IittIe capricious.
- Do you know anything of cars?
- A IittIe.
- Have a Iook at it, pIease.
- Yes, pIease.
- Are you British?
- Yes. They are Spanish: Rafa, FIavia.
And the owner of those
Iegs is Sharon.
One Ieg is from BeIgium
and one Ieg is from New York.
- I think it's the spring.
- Fuck!
- Is there any garage near?
- At 62 kiIometres from here.
I'II caII to the wrecker. They'II
come tomorrow morning.
Not today?
It's very Iate. ImpossibIe.
Now we've reaIIy screwed up.
You can come home, we'II phone
to the garage from there.
- Is your house near here?
- Yes, up there...
But it's not my home, it's
countess Freguenmans's home.
- I'm her secretary
- Won't we disturb her?
No, he Iikes young peopIe
No, we'II sIeep here.
We'II be better in the house.
Stop fucking just for a whiIe!
- What's the matter, fuck?
- We are staying here this night.
I know.
Up there there's a house.
We are going there.
Ok, we stay here, to
Iook after aII this.
You disgusting rats!
- Come on.
-Come on, Ieave them.
- If you need heIp, here I am.
- I've enough with him, thank you.
Enjoy yourseIves, then.
It's at the end of this path.
Where did you want to go?
We go to EI AIgar. We're musicians
and we have to pIay there tomorrow.