To you.
For the best woman I've seen
in my whoIe Iife.
EntraiIs Toscana.
Thank you, Arkan.
So you are OIga Luján.
If you think so...
I think so, but I'm
very confused...
You must be 100 years oId.
PeopIe are as oId as they
You don't eat anything.
I eat very IittIe.
You're fantastic, I'm
Now I understand why
Tyron Power or ErroI FIynn...
... feII in Iove with
women Iike you.
He says he understands why aII those
actors feII in Iove with women Iike you.
But I'm reaI, my hand is reaI.
My breasts are reaI.
Is this the breast of a
woman of a hundred?