Andy has a tick
and it's real big.
Give him here.
Do you have
a pet at home?
No, no pets.
Do you have a kid at least?
- No kids, either.
- What do you have?
Go play, girls.
I'll deal with the tick.
I won't beat around the bush.
It's a marriage.
- I have this old ''aunt.''
- No, Mr. Broz.
I won't marry.
Certainly not some old aunt.
- She's Russian.
- Even worse.
It's not the aunt.
It's her niece.
Not even a niece,
Mr. Broz.
It would be a fake marriage.
- No, I'm against marriage,
in any shape or form.
- [ Whimpering ]
- Cheers, cheers.
- He's right.
Cheers, Mr. Louka.
This niece
needs Czech papers...
to avoid being
sent back to Russia.
There it is.
Sounds fishy.
It's not for me.
Now to cremate the parasite.
Divorce in six months.
You'll be free as a bird.
- Is Andy here?
- He had a tick.
- I thought I'd lost you.
- We're talking business.
- You know how I feel about this.
- Don't worry.
-Just shut the door.
-[ Door Closes ]
The wedding's just for show.
For appearances.
For 40 grand, Mr. Louka.
- Before you said 30.
- She'd willingly pay you 40.
You could buy a car
and still repay me 20,000.
It's better than
renovating headstones.
Graves, graves.
Screw this job.