I wanted to fuck him like a man...
the way that men do it.
The idea of being fucked
disgusts me.
- I'm scared.
- Of what?
Something... that's inside of me...
that makes me hurt myself.
I keep cutting myself...
hurting myself, mainly the hands.
But I don't do it on purpose.
Maybe I do.
The physical pain
doesn't bother me...
It makes me feel alive.
Now, let's put things in order.
Two very serious things
happened to you.
A rapist killer stalked you,
jumped you and all the rest...
And there's a good chance that
he'll come looking for you again.
Second, you got a shock
looking at those paintings,
a shock followed by hallucinations,
the Stendhal Syndrome.
That's important too.
But it's an illness
that will soon be over,
the memory of what you felt will
fade away until it disappears.
For the moment you have to...
try to love yourself more...
to stop despising yourself
because you were raped.
Don't hate yourself
because he desires you.