Hi, Giulio!
- Look who's back. - What did
they do? Kick you off the force?
No, I'm on leave.
Why don't you pass
by old Mario's gym?
Watch out, I've been training!
- Anna.
- Hi, dad.
You're just in time for dinner.
Your brothers are here already.
New haircut...
You've changed the way you dress
too you look different.
Yeah! You look like a boy!
Why did you say
she looked like a man?
- Because she does, Dad...
you saw... - So?
She's hardly back in the house
and you have to upset her!
- Did the police send you
to a doctor? - Psychologist.
- Is that necessary?
- Yes. I think so.
I have problems, you know!
Is it closed? The museum?
It's been under restoration
for the past two years.