La Sindrome di Stendhal

- Do you want to know what happened
to me? - If you want to tell me.

Sure I do.
I remember trusting him.

I was lying in a field.
I remember his hands around my neck
squeezing tighter and tighter...

and the feeling of being torn
between the legs... inside.

Every time he stopped squeezing
my neck he hit me in the face.

I remember his stinking breath.
And I also remember thinking...
this son of a bitch isn't different
from my ex husband, that pig!

You know...
this city's full of monsters.

People attracted by safer living
conditions in the provinces

are having to pay an unexpected
price: Rents are rising...

You want to know
about my wife's murderer?

I'm sorry to disturb you.
I shouldn't have called you.

She was my wife!
The woman I loved!

I'll never know what happened
to her, how she felt!

Can you tell me what she was
thinking in those moments?

Can you, Miss Manni?
Left, left, combination...
keep 'em moving.

Left, left.
I'm sorry, Anna.
