Maybe I short-changed you.
If I was you,
I'd get out of here.
Doyle's men are going
to think you tipped me off.
You got a bus
comes through this town?
at noon every day.
Make sure she gets on it.
I got some information you may
want to sell to Mr Doyle.
He's going to find out
soon enough,
but you might be
the one to give it to him.
A shipment of booze he had
coming up from Mexico
got hijacked
by some banditos.
A tip like that ought to be
worth at least a grand.
You better be right because
if Doyle sends Hickey after me,
he's coming directly for you.
Yeah. I keep
hearing about Hickey.
Sounds like a real scary guy.
Let me tell you just how scary.
It goes that when
he was 10 years old,
gets a knife and cuts his
father's throat from ear to ear.
Then they stick him
in an orphanage.
15 years old,
he burns it to the ground.
You make sure you mark me down
for half that thousand.
Think maybe
you and I should talk.
I don't think these
people appreciate you.
You going to be my hero?
I thought you were just a guy
who did things for money.
Yeah. I'm just a guy
that does everything for money.
Anybody see you
come up here?
Appreciate me?
You don't knowthe half of it.
Let me tell you,
I don't have to take it
from these bastards.
Going back to Chicago
on the first thing
out of here that moves.
What's so funny?
You're not going anywhere.
You're just blowing off
a little steam.