Oh, yeah? You hear the way
Strozzi talked to me?
That grease ball?
To hell with him.
You know, Strozzi's
out of town for the day.
So is Giorgio.
Did Strozzi tell you
he's paying me a lot of money?
Well, there maybe
a way for you
to get your hands
on some of it.
You going to tell me why
you would do such a nice thing?
Because I'm a nice guy...
a sweet guy.
Yeah, right.
Like I said...
I don't think
they appreciate you.
See, I think you're
a very smart girl.
You hear things...
inside word.
I'm the kind of guy
that likes to have
all the information
he can get,
so if you give me
the inside word,
I'll give you an extra
hundred or so a week,
just between me and you.
Strozzi and Giorgio were
going to be back the next day,
but I smelled the real money
was going to come from working
Doyle's side of the street.
They'd make the first move.
Mr Doyle wants you
to come work for us full-time.
I'm not sure
he can afford it.
Try me.
A week or a day?
I'm surprised you're
not mad at me.
I thought you might
hold it against me,
me killing
three of your guys.
It's the only cure I know
for being stupid.