Just don't shoot me.
Come on.
She looks like her mother.
It's all right.
He's asleep.
I parked a couple of miles
from here and walked in.
Why do you come out here?
Doyle lets me be alone here.
It's the only place
they don't watch me.
Why do you
stay with him?
People don't own
other people.
A year ago, my husband
gambled with Mr Doyle.
After he lost me,
he went back
across the border.
He was ashamed.
When Doyle took me
from my daughter...
I went to sleep.
All I had left was to pray.
Mi miedo
es mi maldicion.
My fear is my curse.
What's yours?
I was born
without a conscience.
There's a...
fella here come to see you.
John Smith,
meet Captain Tom Pickett.
He is the head ranger
here in my district.
He generally
just comes down when...
Shut up, Galt.
Sit down, Mr Smith.