Now, Sheriff, Mr Smith
and I are going to have a drink.
We got a lot
to talk about tonight.
I'm here about
a murdered policeman.
He got himself killed
the other side of the river
in some crummy,
little Mexican town.
A few locals killed, too,
and a double-dealing
comandante named Ramirez.
But the man
I'm concerned about
was an American
on the border patrol.
He had a family. Well-liked
by his brother officers.
I guess he strayed a little bit
in some departments,
but he was an officer
of the lawjust the same.
You know anything
about his death, son?
No, I don't think so.
That's odd.
Don't hardly seem possible.
Mr Galt here says
you're real well-informed
on what happens around here.
You saying I did it?
I asked if you knew anything
about it, not if you did it.
The crime has been solved, son.
Mexican police picked up two
armed drifters from the Florida
just across the border,
handed them over to us.
They ain't confessed
yet, but they will.
I just can't get past
the idea that maybe
one of these two bootleg gangs
had something to do with it.
I learned a long time ago
to trust my instincts.
Now, listen real careful
because here is the point, son.
Things in this town
are out of control.
Two gangs is just
one too many.
I'm not an idealist.
I know a lot of things
that people do are awful low,
but that's between
them and God.
Do you believe in God?
I believe in God, son,
but what I'm concerned with
is keeping a lid on things,
and what we got here in Jericho
is just way out of hand,
and Sheriff Galt here
can't do much about it, right?
Matter of fact,
it might be fair to say