l don't get it.
He was clinically dead,
now he needs Valium!
l've never given a sedative to a stiff!
Who did you sell my lOU to?
You shoulda paid, it's been a year.
They just beat me up.
Tell me who it is!
You won't lose them.
They'll make you pay.
l can't, goddammit, l need time!
lf you can't, then beat it.
Skip town, blow the country,
the planet!
Why doesn't he call?
He won't give a few minutes
to a dying man!
lt's too late.
- l'm going...
- Where?
- To get him.
- To drag him here?
You bet l will.
Now what? You gave me a week.
Just checking on your mood.
Mr Perrin, l need a few minutes
of your time...