Why not? Sounds fun.
No, it's not ''fun.''
lt would be no pleasure trip.
Recovering a soul is a ritual.
lt is long
and arduous.
lndian magic is no holiday.
l understand. How interesting.
l admit l'm tempted...
lt's a spiritual journey.
Spiritual, sure...
l'm seeing a guy today who's crucial...
l'll see him and then decide, OK?
That's him.
His name's Matecamu.
Matecamu. He's Serb, or Croat,
or Bosnian...
Who cares?
Anyway, it's gotta be him,
his specialty is buying up
gambling debts.
Mr Matecamu, can l talk to you?
My name's François Perrin,
l think we're in business.
l'm an honest man.
l always pay my debts,
l have principles.
l owe you $1 00,000.
l swear l'll pay you.
But l need more time,
2 weeks at most...
What do you do?
You have a job?
l'm in deluxe real estate,
in the Balearic lslands.
l have a property you may like.
By the sea,
pool and tennis court...
Let's talk about it
when we've settled our problem.
l have a son like you.
Same age, same charm, same gall.
ls that so?
The creep
has bugged me since he was born.
He's a liar, a thief,
a skirt-chaser, a drunk,
and maybe a junkie.