Soldier, keep it down.
Hey, quiet!
Hello? Sloba?
He comes and goes.
Hey, come help
load this!
Want to buy a TV for your
barn, 63 cm screen...
Piss of!
-Cool it!
The ladies have started
dying easter eggs...
who's gonna take care
of what's between my legs?
Bro'! Look at what
the Swedes drive!
It can pull a plow
and go to town!
Wait! ls this the one I
scratched with a fork?
Listen, if there's any
trouble, he's mine!
Understand! Be sure to change
the oil! Understand!
And don't drive over
potholes! Understand!
I'll be damned if
you understand!
Aha! You do understand.
Take this.
Christ is resurrected!
-Truly resurrected!
Yo, bro'! ... It's mine!
Hello, George, I need
a warehouse in Belgrade.
I've got washing
machines, TVs...
This roadhouse hasn't been
touched by the war.
What war, man, this is like
Chivas Royal,"Black and Decker
White", "Johnny the Runner",