
I'm guarding the tommy guns.
You go and dig,
I'll guard them.

Climb on this.
A good trench needs
a security exit.

There are various wars here.
Get that clear.

But it's all to take Saragossa.
Or isn't it?
The government doesn't
want us to take Saragossa.

Not there! We'd have to
stand on chairs to shoot!

That row goes outside.
It stops otherwise.
My father's winding up
the clock.

He believes in clocks,
not in God.

He thinks if it stops,
his time's up.

I came to make the revolution,
not to work.

You make the revolution in bed?
It depends on the company.
We'll have to go to
Saragossa by river.

- Can you swim?
- Depends what's on the other side.

Look what I found!
Who lost their head?
You mean...
- Who lost their ass?
- You pig!

Look, I've just got out of jail!
I spent two years in there!

Two years with nothing
but hairy men!

You'd better be careful, Faneca.
We'll castrate you some night.

Pass me the pumpkin.
Over here, to me.

We'll castrate him now!
- Pass it to me!
- The revolution's fucked!
