Loch Ness

It's bleeding again.
Right, here's good for me.
Yeah, tell Eddie down the shop
I'll catch up with him later.

- Eddie?
- Yeah, Eddie, the owner of the place.

We have no Eddie.
Only his close friends call him Eddie.
He's my brother.
You're not listening to me.
Hey, Caroline. Yoo-hoo, Caroline?

You will get your money.
(line goes dead)
- You look like hell.
- Thank you very much.

Aren't you supposed to be
at a class right now?

You know, Mercer is going ballistic.
He wants a word with you after your
next lecture. The one you're not at.

Dean doesn't want you
around the campus.

Neither do I.
However, all is not lost.
I have a research position which is
perfect for a man of your reputation.

Loch Ness.
- What?
- Loch Ness, Scotland.

I sent Dr Abernathy.
He had an accident. Dead.

What's-his-name is still there.
His research assistant.

You want me to go find
the Loch Ness monster, Bob?

No, John. I want you to go to
Loch Ness and not find the monster.

I want you to take this equipment
and prove that it's a hoax.

What are you doing? You're sticking
another nail in my coffin.

I can't go there. It'll look like
I'm running after another shadow.

The only reason
I'm teaching freshmen
