He's taking over, like you said.
Aye, and with more equipment
than I've ever seen on the loch.
But it's strange. He's not another
starry-eyed loony after a monster.
- In fact, he says it doesn't exist.
- How long is he staying?
As long as it takes him
to prove his point.
He thinks five days.
Did he pay in advance?
Bruce, drop!
Fetch it!
Not for Magnus.
Not with his colouring.
Good day to you, Laura.
How are you?
Not so bad, Mrs Macfarlane.
Hello, Mrs Tait.
- Laura.
- And lovely Isabel, is she well?
Fine, fine. She's becoming
quite a handful these days.
- Do you have any spare milk today?
- Yes, yes.
- For the guest, I suppose?
- Aye.
The American.
He bought a bonny pair of socks.
A single man...
Very nice. Very good-looking.
- I thought you'd closed.
- I had, too.
But he made me an offer
I couldn't refuse.
- So... he'll be staying a time, then?
- A time, aye.
Is that him out there now?
Heavens! What's he done to the boat?
Is that some sort of equipment?
Aye. I heard he had... equipment.
That'll be Andy's boat he's using?
It is.
Does Andy not mind you
What's he got to do with it?
Well, nothing.