What the hell
do you think you're doing?
They've ruined the whole sweep!
(roll of thunder)
(# music: "Sky Boat Song")
That's a fact.
Listen, in the old days,
when a man transgressed,
you put him in a barrel
and slid him down the hill.
- And when a woman transgressed...
- Did God Almighty decide the sins?
Or maybe some men with fish eggs
for brains acted without thinking?
Don't worry, Laura,
your business is safe.
So sabotage makes everything
just grand for the community?
What do you know about
the community, young lady?
(silence falls)
- Any luck today, Professor?
- So, you're the law on the water.
Is that right?
Do you know what happened to me
out there today?
Caught a cold, by the sound of it.
Very harsh climate in these parts.
Listen up, Scottie.
You've not got some American patsy
to play Highland Games with.