What would you know? You couldn't
find a dinosaur in a whisky glass!
No, no!
You listen to me, Dr Negativity!
You're not fit to shine
the shoes of Dr Abernathy!
"You cannot find something
you don't want to."
Remember those words? You should,
you wrote them nine years ago!
Shit. Hey, let me say something.
You wanna yell at me...
- I will yell at you! I'm not finished!
- Let me say something.
I've been here, Adrian, I did this.
I'm the guy who blew his reputation
chasing Sasquatch, remember?
British Columbia, 1986,
you found the tracks!
You still don't get it, do you?
I am a joke. I chase looney tunes.
And you think I don't want to find
something out there?
If I nailed a dinosaur in Loch Ness,
I'd be vindicated a thousand times.
I would have it all back. And more.
But it's not gonna happen. There's
nothing here or in British Columbia.
There's nothing unexplained
flying in the skies at night.
That is just a wish list, Adrian,
to make us feel there's more to life
than the shit we got stuck with.
Believing is not enough.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
- (Laura) Sit down, Izzy. Come on.
- It's just not comfortable.
(Laura) You're on cushions,
so you should be.
- Are there any napkins?
- Tomorrow I'll get some napkins.
- Promise?
- I promise.
What else do we have to get?
Milk, biscuits.
Potat... Potatoes.