Looking for Richard

- It what?
- It sucked. I saw it live.

- It sucked?
- Yeah.

PACINO: Anything in Shakespeare that
made you think it's not close to you...

...or connected to you in any way?
- Yeah, it's boring.

A bank in England uses
Shakespeare as...

Cover my account number.
See, it's a hologram.

They use it as ID to prove
it's a real card.

What do you think of Shakespeare?

He's a great export.
Who's moving in on Shakespeare?
The Japanese.

Because they're kicking
the Americans' ass.

And they're all interested
in Shakespeare.

You know Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare?

We're peddling him on the streets.
I remember our English teacher
sent us to see...

...a local college production
of King Lear.

I went with my girlfriend...
...and after about 10 minutes
of these people:

They were doing this kind
of Shakespearean acting.

I just tuned right out. We made out
in the back row and left at intermission.

I was brought up in a school...
...where Shakespeare was taught
very kind of...

...straightforwardly and dully,
to be honest.

We read it aloud and it made no sense,
because there was no connection made.

My own experience...
...was in the fields in Michigan,
where I was raised on a farm...

...and an uncle, who was a Northern
guy, black Northern guy...

...came out of the field one day
and started narrating...

...Antony's speech, the funeral oration.
- From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?
- Yeah. We'd heard stuff from the Bible...

...but my first time as a kid,
I was hearing...

...great words having great meaning.
What brings us to Montreal?

To Paris? To London?
What takes us into dungeons,
to parapets...

- To Japan next.
- To Japan, maybe, is a quest.
