- They haven't done it.
- It's a difficult play.
PACINO: If someone were to ask you
about Richard III...
...what would you remember about it?
To be honest, I really don't remember
that much, if anything at all.
PACINO: Did you know that Richard III
had a deformed arm and a deformed back?
- No, I didn't.
PACINO: You didn't know that?
The play, Richard III,
about the guy with the humpback?
- No.
- You got me there.
PACINO: He was a humpback? "A
horse. A horse. My kingdom for a horse"?
- That comes from Richard III.
MAN 5: It does, yes.
I mean, nobody knows
who Richard III is.
- Nobody.
HADGE: It's a tough play to get.
The relationships between
those characters.
- Who can keep it straight?
- Well, I think the question is...
...what is the understanding?
I mean, the understanding is...
It's a simply... Can you
follow the story line and the plot?
We've provided this kind of
docudrama-type thing...
...to inform some of the scenes
so you know where you are.
For instance, there's an early scene
with the queen...
... and her brother and her two sons...
... which is outside in an anteroom...
...waiting for the king to call them in
because he is inside, sick.
The queen is worried. She's afraid
the king will die, who is her husband.
And when he dies, the only...
The only people left to inherit the throne
are her two young sons...
...by the king himself.
She has two sons by a previous
marriage, which are in the scene.
And she's afraid that the character I
play, Richard III of Gloucester...
...is going to take hold
of the situation...
...and somehow manipulate them
into thinking...
...that they're, you know...
That the kids are...