On the sleeping king...
...Edward IV, your brother, in bed.
And it pans up and you are standing
over him, looking at him.
- Yes, but he's alive, the king is alive.
- Yes.
I would prefer having him
off in the distance. I'd like...
- Good. You can watch him.
PACINO: I'd like to walk...
- Frederic? Can you get the other end?
I'd like... Hi, how are you?
Frederic and I decided to go
to The Cloisters...
... a museum that has
a medieval setting...
... which is good for us because the play
takes place in this period.
We thought we'd rehearse
in this atmosphere.
We're shooting him.
We're shooting him.
I'll be with you in a minute,
if you can just wait for me out there.
- So you're here.
- Okay. Okay.
- And here we are.
- Okay.
Now, you're Richard's brother,
the sick king, and I'm Richard. Okay.
Yes. I move this way,
and you follow me.
- Now...
- How exciting to start with "now."
You'd wake your audience up,
wouldn't you? "Now!"
...is the winter of our discontent...
...glorious summer...
...by this sun of York.
It's a pun.
The sun of York is the sun in the sky...
...over the English countryside of York.
York is also your family name,
and you are one of three sons of York.