...which means
that they can stop fighting.
Now are our brows...
...bound with victorious wreaths.
Our bruised arms
hung up for monuments.
Our stern alarum changed
to merry meetings.
What do they do
when the fighting stops?
Grim-visaged war...
...hath smooth'd his wrinkled front.
And now, instead of mounting
barbed steeds...
...to fright the souls
of fearful adversaries, he capers...
...nimbly in a lady's chamber...
...to the lascivious pleasings of a lute.
And you see lovemaking...
...and relations with the other gender...
...as what you translate
your male aggressions into.
But Richard III has a little problem here.
But I...
...that am not shaped
for sportive tricks...
...nor made to court...
...an amorous looking-glass.
I, that am curtail'd
of this fair proportion...
...cheated of feature
by dissembling nature, deformed.
- Deformed.
- He was a hunchback.
Deformed. Deformed.
...sent before my time
into this breathing world...
...scarce half made up...
...and that so lamely
and unfashionable...
...that dogs bark at me
as I halt by them.
Why, I, in this weak piping
time of peace...
...have no delight
to pass away the time...
...unless to see my shadow in the sun...
...and descant upon
mine own deformity.
Shakespeare has exaggerated
his deformity...
...in order to body forth dramatically...