It's, "This day should Clarence be
mew'd up...
...about a prophecy which says that G
of Edward's heirs."
- By "G," what does that mean?
- Yes?
- Clarence...
George, Duke of Clarence.
- His first name is really George.
PACINO: Whose first name?
That's why he's called "G."
KIMBALL: I suggest you change it to "C."
"This day should Clarence be mew'd up
about a prophecy which says that...
...C of Edward's heirs
the murderer shall be."
C of Edward's heirs
the murderer shall be.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul.
Here Clarence comes.
What we gotta do, what we should do,
is get actors in here...
...not audition them,
just get them in...
... and let them just sit around,
just see and read.
We'll have different people read
different roles. Hopefully somehow...
...the role and the actor will merge.
The actor will find the role.
An actor will read one part...
... another actor reads another.
Hopefully, the casting will get done.
Who 's got Dorset?
Who's got Dorset?
How about Lord Grey?
Richard will read Dorset.
- He's gonna do Buckingham.
- I thought Jim would do it.
PACINO: He's doing Catesby.
- What do I read?
Dorset and Grey are the same people.
PACINO: Dorset and Grey are the same...?
You two guys better sit on each other.
We used two actors in the same part.
It'll take us four weeks of rehearsal
to figure out what parts we're playing.
In more modern plays, we feel that
we understand it. It's there for us.
But in Shakespeare, you have
an entire company on the stage...
...good actors not knowing where
they're going. Where they are!