Sin, death, and hell
have set their marks on him...
...and all their messengers
await on him.
PACINO: Thou hateful wither'd hag,
have done thy charm.
And leave out thee?
Stay, dog, for thou shalt hear me.
The worm of conscience
still begnaw thy soul.
Thou elvish-mark'd, abortive,
rooting hog.
Live each of you
the subjects to his hate...
...and he to yours,
and all of you to God's!
We don't say a word. We let her go.
REDGRAVE: The music...
Literally, I mean the music...
... and the thoughts and the concepts...
... and the feelings have not been
divorced from the words.
In England, you've had centuries in
which word has been totally divorced...
...from truth, and that's a problem
for us actors.
If we think words are things
and have no feelings in words...
...then we say things to each other
that mean nothing.
But if we felt what we said,
we'd say less and mean more.
Spare some change?
Lt'd be interesting to see where he...
- Is that possibly...?
- Where Shakespeare was born.
PACINO: I think that's Shakespeare
up there in the window.
Knock first. Knock, Frederic.
PACINO: Hello. Frederic, you've...
- Where was William Shakespeare born?
- There's the bed of birth.
KIMBALL: You gotta be kidding.
- I wouldn't kid about a thing like that.
It's too late.
It's a very, very small bed.
I was expecting to have an epiphany...
...an outpouring of the soul
upon seeing...