- Go out and come in again.
- Where he was born.
If you're really an actor, you can come
back and have an epiphany. I did.
- Only...
- Did you have one?
- I did not see it.
- I'm not showing it. It's an inner one.
We're not alone.
- Every once in a while...
- There's a fire truck out there.
- I think we tripped an alarm.
- We should pause and think...
You talked too loud
and it set off an alarm.
MAN 7: Fire alarm. I got the fire officer.
KIMBALL: We set it off.
PACINO: There's a fireman. Oh, yes.
- Hello.
Unfortunately, the sensor head is here.
That's going to be the problem.
Yeah? What is it? Is it...?
That's a real bummer.
We come 6000 miles to see
where he was born...
It's the greatest period in British arts.
This extraordinary development
and maturing and death of drama.
In 20 years, Shakespeare's over.
You have our greatest drama.
And Shakespeare learns incredibly fast.
Already, in this very early play,
he's thinking about people as actors...
...and about the stage.
And the imagination as a bit of life.
Hey, Jimmy?
How's the sandwich?
We're gonna bite the bullet
and do Act 2 of the play.
What we said was,
we're gonna shoot Richard's death...
...and murder of Clarence, and that's it.
- No, the king makes peace.
What are you saying?
We got an end of a movie to shoot.
"My horse..." "A horse. A horse.
My kingdom for a horse."
Fellas, the cops are here.
Police say we need a permit.
You said you'd take care of things.
What, I need...?
Why do I need a permit?
We have to give up a meal like this?
You have to go, guys. You have to go.
Hope you like turkey.
So, we are gonna get...