... and only Richard
has the power to do it.
He's royal, a York,
but he must move fast.
It's his last chance to stop Hastings
from making the prince king.
KIMBALL: They'll suck in Hastings
using his mistress, Jane Shore, as bait.
Provoke him to say the wrong thing.
PACINO: Then everyone has to make a
choice, either Richard or Hastings.
Where is my lord, the Duke of Gloucester?
I have sent for these strawberries.
His grace looks cheerfully
and smooth this morning.
There's some conceit
or other likes him well...
...with that he bids good morrow
with such spirit.
There's never a man in Christendom
can lesser hide his love or hate than he.
For by his face straight
shall you know his heart.
What of his heart perceive you
by any livelihood he show'd to-day?
Marry, that with no man here
he is offended.
For, if he were,
you'd seen it in his looks.
I pray you all...
...tell me what they deserve...
...that do conspire my death...
...with devilish plots
of damned witchcraft...
...and that have prevail'd
upon my body...
...with their hellish charms?
The tender love I bear your grace,
my lord, makes me most forward...
...in this princely presence to doom
the offenders, whosoe'er they be.
I say, my lord,
they have deserved death.
Then be your eyes
the witness of their ill.
...how I am bewitch'd.
Behold mine arm...