... president or city council...
...the fact is people are tired of the way
it's been and want a change.
How now, how now,
what say the citizens?
Now, by the holy mother of our Lord,
the citizens are mum.
I expected them to be boisterous,
and that they would come and rally.
- Did they so?
- No...
...so God help me,
they spake not a word.
But, like dumb statues, stared each
other on, and look'd deadly pale.
And did they so?
What, are you deaf?
I'm saying, whatever their reaction...
...we had this plan.
- We still had it.
So they're being told...
... that here, right before your eyes,
is the man who will make it better.
And, see...
...a book of prayer in his hand,
true ornaments...
...to know a holy man.
Irony is really only hypocrisy with style.
Here again, we love
Richard's irony, in a way.
We know he's as hard as nails,
that he's only pretending to be religious.
PACINO: They canvass like politicians.
Complete with lies and innuendo...
... they manage...
... to malign this young prince,
who is the rightful heir to the throne.
And they know it.
Infer the bastardy of Edward's children.
And they say he was a bastard...
... that his father was a bastard.
It's an act, and these people buy it.
It's a complete lie.
We heartily solicit you...
...to take on the kingly government
of this your land...
...not as protector, steward, substitute,
or lowly factor for another's gain.
But as successively
from blood to blood...
...your right of birth,
your empery, your own.
Since you will buckle fortune
on my back...