Looking for Richard

...to bear her burden,
whether I will or no...

...I must have patience
to endure the load.

CROWD: Long live Richard,
England's worthy king!

Long live King Richard!
In the midst of these noble concepts,
these treaties and diplomatic pacts...

...he was saying
the truth beneath all this...

...is absolutely the opposite.
The truth is that those in power...
...have total contempt
for everything they promise...

...everything they pledge.
And that's what Shakespeare's
great play is about.

The reason why Shakespeare
is really important...

...is because, in the Talmudic theme...
I've taken Lady Macbeth
and put her in a rock 'n' roll context.

She's singing the blues.
- Which is really a yin-yang or Chinese.
Hamlet's like every kid
who's freaked out...

...his mother, his father...
The way to truly live is to hold
both points of view at the same time.

I have them singing the blues,
doing the beat.

But an American audience
gets intimidated. They hear "Hamlet."

They hear "Shakespeare."
You must get me out of this.
Get me out of this documentary.
This idea was a bad idea.
It's gone too far.

- Take you away from all this?
- I wanna go. I wanna...

I want to be the king.
I want to be king, Frederic.
Make me king.

CROWD: Long live Richard,
England's worthy king!

Long live Richard,
England's worthy king!

KIMBALL: As soon as he gets what
he wants, Lady Anne, the crown...

...then the whole thing...
- The emptiness of it.

- Cousin of Buckingham!
- My gracious sovereign?

Give me thy hand.
