Looking for Richard

Any production of Richard III,
the last act dribbles out for me.

- I'm gone.
PACINO: For me, the last act...

...Richard is the most accessible
because it's clear...

...that Richard has attained
this power now.

He's king and he's on the decline
because as soon as he becomes king...

...they come at him from all sides.
Richmond is attacking.

This guy, Richmond,
his family were the losers...

... in the War of the Roses.
He had fled to France and was there
raising an army...

... to get the throne back
for the house of Lancaster.

My gracious sovereign...

...now in Devonshire,
as I by friends am well advertised.

In Kent the Guildfords are in arms.

Every hour more competitors
flock to the rebels.

Their power grows strong.
Sir Thomas Lovel
and Lord Marquis Dorset...

...in Yorkshire are in arms.
- Out, ye owls!

Nothing but songs of death?
Take thou that,
till thou brings better news.

He suspects everyone around him.
He has no friends.
I'm listening, I'm listening.
Fellows in arms...

...and my most loving friends.
Thus far into the bowels of land
we march'd without impediment.

And here receive we
from our father Stanley...

...lines of fair comfort
and encouragement.

QUINN: The wretched, bloody,
and usurping boar...

... that spoil'd your summer fields
and fruitful vines...

...this foul swine is now even
in the centre of this isle.

Every man's conscience
is a thousand men...

...to fight against this guilty homicide.
