Then, in God's name, march.
True hope is swift,
and flies with swallow's wings.
Kings it makes gods,
and meaner creatures kings.
- Am I dying?
That's what I want to know.
Am I dying?
When are we gonna kill Richard?
- I have a worse question.
- Excuse me?
I have a feeling...
...that your Richard will have earned
his death...
...and we should think about
a way to do it.
Close... Close... Close the door.
You're 98.6.
Put it under the tongue.
Then it doesn't click. If I'm 98.6,
then you're a Shakespearean actor.
"On the 22nd of August, 1485, a battle
was fought for the crown of England.
A short battle,
ending in a decisive victory.
In that field, a crowned king, manfully
fighting in the middle of his enemies...
...was slain and brought to his death."
Here, pitch our tent, here...
...even here in Bosworth field.
SCHOLAR 1: What is fascinating
when you come to the last act...
...to the Battle of Bosworth,
the battle itself goes for very little...
...apart from, "My horse. My horse.
Kingdom for a horse."
To me, the battle is really the ghost
scene. The ghost scene is the battle.
PACINO: Richard is visited in his sleep by
the ghosts of the people he's murdered.
Give me another horse.
Bind up my wounds.
Give me another horse!
Frederic and I decided to go
to the actual theater...
... where Richard III was performed
some 300 years ago...
... and this ghost scene was acted
on the stage here, in London.