There is none else by.
Is there a murderer here? No.
Yes, I am.
Then fly!
From myself? No.
I love myself.
...I hate myself...
...for hateful deeds.
Guilty. Guilty.
Committed by myself.
I am a villain.
I am a villain.
Yet I lie. I am not.
Fool, of thyself speak well.
...do not flatter.
I shall despair.
There is no creature loves me.
When I die...
...no soul shall pity me.
Wherefore should they...
...since that I myself...
...find in myself...
...no pity to myself?
KIMBALL: My lord!
- Who is there?
Ratcliffe, my lord. 'Tis I.
Well, get out of here. I'm working.
- You got it.
- Let's try it one more time.
Catesby, my lord. 'Tis I.
- Catesby.
- The early village-cock...
...hath twice done salutation
to the morn. Your friends are up...
...and buckle on their armor.
- Catesby.
I've had a fearful dream.
Catesby, I fear...