Nay, nay, good my lord...
...be not afraid of shadows.
By the apostle Paul,
shadows to-night...
...have struck more terror
in the soul of Richard...
...than can the substance of
10,000 soldiers armed to proof...
...and led by shallow Richmond.
Come, come with me.
The silent hours steal on, and flaky
darkness breaks within the east.
Stanley, look to your wife.
If she convey letters to Richmond,
you shall answer.
Prepare thy battle early in the morning...
...and put thy fortune to the test
of bloody strokes and mortal-staring war.
You have to give a speech
in half an hour.
- Maybe we should...
- No, I got the general...
...gist of it.
KIMBALL: Got the gist of it.
O Thou...
...whose captain I account myself...
...Iook on my forces
with a gracious eye.
Put in their hands
thy bruising irons of wrath...
...that they may crush down
with a heavy fall...
...the usurping helmets
of our adversaries!
What shall I say more
than I have inferr'd?
Remember whom you are
to deal withal.
A sort of vagabonds,
rascals, and runaways...
...a scum of Bretons,
and base lackey peasants...
...whom their o'er-cloyed country
vomits forth...
...to desperate adventures
and assured destruction.
Make us thy ministers of chastisement.
You sleeping safe,
they bring to you unrest.
You having lands,
and blest with beauteous wives...