Make it quick,
we go out live in ten minutes.
What? The actual president?
Cutting in?
Budget negotiations may be dead
in the water after this week.
Hair looks good.
I like the hair.
...quote, 'factually-challenged. '
Yeah, Stone. Speak.
Jason, hi, it's me.
You wearing a bra?
Listen, this is big. President Dale
is cutting into my show today.
That's absurd. Why would he stoop
to being on 'Today in Fashion'?
He's interrupting everybody.
I don't know, it's some sort of
an emergency announcement.
This doesn't make sense.
He should talk to us.
White House is coming out live.
Good evening, my fellow Americans.
I apologize for interrupting
your regular programs...
...but I have a very important
announcement to make.
Many important things have happened
to me in my life:
My graduation from Princeton...
...the day that Marsha said
she would be my wife...
...the birth of our daughter Taffy.
Thanks, Dad.
And the news that I have heard today
ranks right up there.
A powerful memory is in the making.
Not just for me...
...but for all mankind.
...an extraordinary discovery
was made by the Hubble telescope.
The data from the Hubble was decoded...
...then analyzed by the most
powerful computers at MIT.
The images are undeniable.
We are entering the dawn of a new era.
Frame enlargements provide
an astonishing sight.
A fleet of vehicles,
which can best be described as...
...flying saucers.
Come on! Come on!
Papa needs a new pair of shoes!