I had no idea
you were able to read.
I'm very sorry, sir.
You are most welcome to borrow
any book ofmine that takes your fancy.
No. I wouldn't want the other servants
to think I was getting above myself.
No. I can't eat any ofthis.
-I'll ask Mrs. Kent to coddle some eggs.
-No, that's all right.
Areyou quite sureyou don't want
to tell me howyou got those scars?
I'm sorry. I won't askyou again.
Leave the tray.
Would you ask Poole...
to organize the removal ofthat
to my cabinet?
Yes, sir.
I hopeyou haven't been making
a nuisance ofyourself, Mary.
No, sir. The doctor
wasjust telling me...
he wants his mirror
moved to his cabinet.
Can you account
forwhy the master...
chose to issue these
instructions through you?
No, sir. Except I told him
I'd heard him coming in late last night.
You did what?
You were in the master's bedroom
some considerable time.
What else did he say toyou?
We talked about doing something
with the garden.
The garden?
It's gloomy out there.
I thought we could plant a flower bed.
Who's going to do all this?
I would. I don't mind.
Aren't we finding
enough work foryou?
I could do it
on my afternoons off.
My last place in the country--
We're familiarwith your
reminiscences, Mrs. Kent.
The master used to send for one
ofthe housemaids every morning, 9:00...
regular as clockwork.
In the end,
she fell in the familyway...
and was dismissed
without a reference.
I often wonder
what become ofher.
I expect now she entertains gentlemen
all hours ofthe day.