And he's never had any sort of...
a lady friend?
Never a woman stepped
in the front door.
Not since I've been here.
- Strange.
- Bradshaw says he goes to houses.
Bradshaw says
he goes to houses.
What doyou mean?
You know.
I can't believe that.
You best get offifyou're going.
I'll finish up here.
It was very good ofyou, sir,
to back me up about the garden.
Yes, I think I did ratherwell.
Mr. Poole questioned me
so closely about...
why I was so long
with you this morning.
It was the only excuse
I could think of.
So, thankyou.
Areyou sure he's not out on the landing
right now, the virtuous Poole?
No, sir.
He's gone to bed.
I thought, ifyou would like
to examine these scars--
Come here.
Raiseyour sleeve.
These go very deep.
Did they never affect
the use ofyour fingers?
I couldn't move my thumb for a while,
but it gradually came back to working.