You're up early
this morning, sir.
As a matter offact, I didn't
go to bed at all last night.
- You've been out, by seeing your shoes.
- Yes. I needed some fresh air.
I was thinking a great deal about
the storyyou told me last night.
You must have really
hated your father.
I don't know, sir.
Surely he was a monster.
When I was little and he was in work,
he wasn't so bad then.
It was the drinking
that did it.
You think
it was only the drink?
The drink turned him
into a different man.
A different man?
He even looked different.
What doyou mean?
It was like he carried
another person inside him...
and the drinking
brought him out.
Or maybe set him free.
I'd likeyou to do something for me
in strictest confidence.
I wantyou to deliver
this letter.
I expectyou know
where that is.
There'll be no reply
other than a yes or a no.
- Very good, sir.
- You'll do it then?
Ifyou want me to, sir.
Thankyou, Mary.
Haven'tyou everwished for
a completely new life, Mary?