No, sir.
What good would that do?
Supposeyou were able to do
absolutelywhateveryou wanted...
with no consequences
and no regrets.
Then what?
I don't believe there is such a thing
as actions without consequences.
Strictly speaking,
I've no vacancies at the moment.
We might be able to come
to some particular arrangement.
- Areyou Mrs. Farraday?
- Who wants to know?
I have a letter
from Dr.Jekyll.
- HarryJekyll, eh?
- Areyou--
Yes, I'm Farraday.
Keepyourwool on. Come inside.
Dear old Harry.
Ever the good Samaritan.
Not required in
the House ofCommons, Sir Danvers?
I imagine they can rub along
without me this once, Mrs. Farraday.
And vice versa,
I shouldn't wonder.
Sir Danvers is one ofour most
prominent spokesmen on foreign affairs.