Shall I fetch
your assistant?
What? I'm sor--
What did you say?
I thought I heard him...
moving around
the house last night.
Ifhe were there, doyou suppose he'd
leave me to crawl out here on my own?
I'm sorry, sir.
Ifyou'll allow me
to lean on you...
I'm sure the thing
can be accomplished.
You've been working too hard, sir.
I'm not surprised you had an accident.
- What's going on?
- The master's had an accident.
Why didn'tyou come for me?
Hold your tongue. Go upstairs
and light the bedroom fire. Bradshaw.
I was out late last night.
I must have...
somehow put myweight on it.
Dr.Jekyll is all too
benevolent an employer.
So it falls to me
to draw attention to occasions...
when I feel members ofthe household
are failing in their duties.
It is also my task,
may I remind you...
to dismiss those staffwho
persistently overstep the mark.
Yes, sir.
Haveyou any idea
to what I may be referring?
It was not my place
to advise the master not to work.
Quite so. Now help me on
with my Ulster.