Mary Reilly

You've taken your time. The master's
waiting foryou, in the laboratory.

Go there directly.
The rule is relaxed.

And shiftyourself!.
What did she say?
She said she'll do
everything you want her to.

But she said this is such linen
as even she cannot clean.

She has always been prone
to exaggeration.

I saw the room.
There was blood on the ceiling.

And did Mrs. Farraday explain?
No, sir. But I felt sure someone
had been torn to death in that room.

- She said you should've goneyourself.
- I couldn't.

I'm sureyou understand.
A place like that.

I sent my assistant, Mr. Hyde.
She called him a mad dog.
On those rare occasions...
when a woman like Mrs. Farraday
is not at fault herself...

she is liable to experience
a rush ofrighteous indignation.

I happen to know that Mr. Hyde...
did everything that he could.
The girl had already
lost too much blood.

These amateur operations,
as I'm sureyou--

Well, let's not
discuss the details.

Just rest assured
that I shall continue...

to look into the matter.
I suppose it would have been too much
to expect a bit ofgratitude.
