You're Mr. Hyde,
the master's assistant.
You may say so.
What doyou think?
I always had
an artistic temperament.
I know I owe my existence
to science, but...
I've never been able to whip up
much enthusiasm for it.
the thoughts that come unbidden,
don'tyou find?
Ifyou mean we're not always
in control ofour ideas--
Why should we want to be?
That's the question.
I've never been
in favor ofcontrol.
By all accounts, your fatherwas
no paragon at controlling himself.
Men will chatter
amongst themselves in a--
What I wasn't able to find out
was how far it might have gone...
between your father
and yourself.
Didn'tyou look forward
to them sometimes...
those evenings when
your motherwas out working?
Still, wouldn'tyou like
to come in town with me tonight?
Good morning, Mary.
- Morning.
- What's the matter?