- 2 x 6 is?
- 12.
- 2 x 9 is?
- 18.
Soon you'll be able to do them all,
whether it's 2 x 7...
- 14.
- Or 13 x 379.
- I beg your pardon?
- I think that's the answer.
13 x 379 is 4.927.
- It is.
- Wow...
- You can multiply big numbers?
- I read a book on mathematics.
- You like to read?
- Yes. I love to read.
- What do you like to read?
- I've been reading Darls Chickens.
Charles Dickens.
I could read him every day.
So could I.
All right, take out your workbooks
and let's start with section three.
I'll be back in a moment.
Gotcha! Right in the neck.