
Come in.
Almost got you.
Good to see you, Jen.
Time for one of our
little heart-to-hearts?

It's about the new girl in my class,
Matilda Wormwood.

Her father says she's a real wart.
A carbuncle. A blister.
A pustule of malignant ooze.

- Matilda is sweet and very bright.
- A bright child?

- She can multiply large sums.
- So can a calculator.

I think she might be happier
in an older and more advanced class.

You can't handle the little viper,
so you're trying to get rid of her.

- No...
- Typical, slothful cowardice!

The distance the shot-put goes
depends on your effort.

If you can't handle the little brat,
I'II lock her in the Chokey!

- Get it?
- Yes. Ma'am.

Everything I do
is for your own good.

And the good of
those putrescent, little children!

- Mom. I'm home.
- How was school?

- I get to do sixth grade work.
- Hold on a minute.

- Can't you see I'm on the phone?
- You just asked me how school was.
