- The baby wasn't his.
- Well, it was really great.
- No way. They have to be implants.
- The principal is insane.
- She threw a girl over the fence.
- You should wax yours, too.
I have the most wonderful teacher.
Mine are driving me crazy.
Six hours at school is not enough.
I'll say.
Awhack to the belly.
A smack to the face. Burns is hurt.
Saved by the bell.
- Packages at this hour?
- Come here.
- Hello.
- We don't give money, charity...
I'm Jennifer Honey.
I'm Matilda's teacher.
What's she done now?
You! Go to your room, right now!
- She's your problem now.
- There is no problem.
Then beat it. We're watching TV.
If a TV show is more important than
Matilda, you shouldn't be a parent.
Turn it off and listen to me.
Come on in. Get this over with.
Mrs. Wormwood won't like this.
- Close the door.
- Who is it?
Some teacher.
- What did you do that for?
- What do you want?
- Matilda has a brilliant mind.
- Yeah, right. Give me a beer.
- Her math skills are extraordinary.
- Do you want one?
No thank you. She's reading material
that I didn't see until college.