Beszélnünk kell.
Egy pillanat.
- Sophie azt hiszi, szeretõm van.
- Ez nyugtalanít?
Ha vele élnél, megértenéd. Jobb
volt az agglegényélet a seregben.
VoltáI te valaha boldog?
- Nem Sophie nyugtalanít.
- Akkor mi?
- Ki ez?
- Azt hittem, te.
Fõleg, miután nem találtunk.
Az egyik emberem mondta,-
I need you to come with me.
Just a minute.
- Sophie thinks I have a mistress.
- Are you worried about that?
If you lived with Sophie, you'd
understand. I miss our army days.
We were happy then.
Well, I was happy, but you...
Have you ever been happy?
- It's not Sophie that worries me.
- Then what?
- Who is he?
- I thought he was you.
We couldn't find you.
Then one of my men told me