- Why did you choose me?
- I didn't.
I didn't have the courage.
Somebody else did it for me.
A lawyer from Paris. He picked
your brother... You were crying.
He saw that I needed money.
He said it was a good family.
What have I done?
You survived. Made a home for me.
You did what you had to do.
I don't blame you.
- You should've told me.
- I know.
- What was the lawyer's name?
- Why?
Somebody killed him, Mother.
He was trying to come home
and they killed him.
Alain, please...
Can you remember his name?
Etienne St. Denis. He had an office
in Place Pigalle in Paris.
Parents lie to their children
to prepare them for adult life.
If I don't go now, I'll regret it
for the rest of my life.
You'll only open old wounds.
The lawyer can't bring him back.
My brother was adopted. Through
his family I can get to know him.