Keep it up to date. Add to it weekly.
...get me a list of our 12 best men.
Young, no families.
-What for?
-The 12 Apostles. Just do it!
Joe, take a letter.
Where have you been?
'To Whom It May Concern:
'This is to inform you
that any further collaboration...
'... with the forces of occupation
will be punishable by death.
'You have been warned.
'Signed, the Irish Republican Army. '
Are you serious?
Afraid so.
Send one to every G man.
I saw their files. They know too much.
Look. That's us.
-Where'd you get these?
-Know how they thrive?
Without them,
the Brits would have no system.
Now, imagine the Castle...
...where anyone who collaborated
knew he'd be shot.
They wouldn't be able to move
outside those fucking walls.
That's how serious I am.
There's only one problem.
We'd have to do it.
...could you bear it?
You got one too?
It's a joke.
No Fenian guttersnipe threatens me.
Give us a name.
What for?
Someone to hang and fry like bacon!