Boys, you did well.
But go easy on the riddling.
Go on.
Sure it's from Dev?
Christ, pure genius.
Yeah, I want peace and quiet.
I want it so much I'd die for it.
You mean you'd kill for it first.
No, not first. Last.
You know you are good at it.
At what?
Bloody mayhem.
You're not so bad yourself.
But Mick, you're more than good.
You leave them sitting
in the halfpenny place.
We haven't seen anything yet.
Are you saying things will get worse?
So we'll have to get worse?
Know what?
I hate them.
Not for their race or their brutality.
I hate them for leaving us no way out.
I hate whoever put a gun in Vinny's hand.
I know it's me and I hate myself for it.
I hate them for making hate necessary.
I'll do what I have to do to end it.
Fancy a good time?
Not tonight, girls.
Relax, you bastard.
Dev, two minutes to the next watch.