Mick, where the hell have you been?
For God's sake, give me one
free night to be a human being!
We looked all over! Have you heard?
No, I haven't heard!
Would the bloody Irish Republic
leave me some time off?
It's over!
What's over?
It's over.
They called a truce.
It's finished?
-The whole damn thing.
We've won?
Lloyd George has thrown in the towel?
We've brought the British Empire
to its knees?
Why the fuck didn't you say so?
What was that horse called?
We did it! We did it! It's a truce!
You must be joking?
No. I won't do it.
I'm not a politician.
I'm not going to London.
You're the strongest card we have.
They call me an assassin and a murderer!
Will Churchill even shake my hand?
We've broached it and had no objections.
You go, Dev.
You're the statesman.
You know how far we can push them.
They know you.
That's the point. They don't know you.