...has himself described the treaty...
...as a steppingstone toward
the ultimate freedom!
Mr. Griffith has described Mr. Collins
as the man who won the war!
Point of order, Mr. Chairman.
Are we discussing the treaty or myself?
The minister does not like what I say!
Anything about me, say it!
Mr. Collins, your position in the army...
...was as chief of one subsection.
Nobody sought notoriety except you!
Come on, Cathal!
One person was held up by the press...
...and put into a position he never held.
He was made a romantic figure...
...a mystical character...
...which he certainly is not!
The person I refer to is Michael Collins!
I would plead...
...with every person here.
Make me a scapegoat, if you will.
Call me a traitor, if you will.
But please, let's save the country.
The alternative to this treaty is a war...
...which nobody in this gathering
can even contemplate.
If the price of freedom...
...the price of peace,
is blackening my name...
...I will gladly pay it.
Thank you.